Proof that obesity can be overcome with hardwork

Phil's Story
Just everything about life in general. I had zero self-confidence and I wouldn’t go out to public places because I was ashamed to be seen and would always worry about people staring. I kept myself locked away from the world and when I got a condition on my right leg everything went downhill, I felt depressed and it was even taking a toll on my relationship. It was not a good place to be at.
Long story short I was in hospital for a leg infection and the doctor told me that if I wasn’t going to do anything with my weight that the next time he will see me is in the morgue. Those words hit me and I knew when I got out I had to do something about my health.
Aw man where do I start! To be honest EVERYTHING about my life has changed its like I’m reborn again. My mindset has changed majorly, I don’t eat like I use to and I don’t have any more fizzys or sweet drinks (I was bad with fizzy drinks). I’m out and about everyday my confidence has shot to the roof. I’m living my best life and I’m loving it. I”M JUST DAMN HAPPY!! What are your words of advice to those starting? Don’t worry about what others think, this is your journey not theirs. Set some realistic goals be patient and work towards it one step at a time. Above all Quit making EXCUSES.

Gina's Story
The most challenging thing I found in day-to-day life was finding the energy and motivation to do simple things like taking the kids out to play or being out in public. I always felt so drained. Before I started with BBM I was at my heaviest and so getting ready to go out in public became stressful for me as all my clothes had become tight, I just did not feel comfortable and so it was easier for me just to stay home which meant my kids missed out on going places.
I had just given birth to my son and I had gained quite a lot of weight and knew I needed to do something but didn’t know where to start. My sisters at the time had just started training with BBM and invited me along for a session so 6 weeks after giving birth I decided to join them! My why is ME. I have realised that I cannot give the best of myself if I am not taking care of ME.
Mine would have to be a combination of my level of fitness and my physical appearance. After starting BBM there was a lot more focus on my nutrition and so the weight fell off and I was able to gain muscle in the process Also eating right fuelled me and I am able to train better and for longer.
Make the time to do something active. I am a busy mum of three that has to juggle kids activities/sports as well as managing a busy department at work and run bootcamps in the evenings and on the odd occasion jump into a fight camp. I always ensure that I make time to train and when I do, I always give it 100% as my time is limited. It is the best thing for my mental health and when I’m in a good headspace then I can give the best of me to those around me. You owe it to yourself!
Starting weight with BBM – 113kgs
Current weight – 77kgs
Luke's Story
Everything from going to the toilet, tying my shoe laces, putting a seatbelt on, no energy, no confidence, chronic sleep apnea, chronic snoring
My mother and sister organised a meeting with Dave after a failed consultation with surgeon. We started 3 days later
I’m not falling asleep while stopped at the lights, more energy to do things with my son when I get home from work, more confidence, I now have respect for myself, and I can finally fit clothes from a normal shop.
Piece of advice will be “believe in the process, believe in yourself, surround yourself with good people and never give up”

Jorja's Story
1) I was tired of just existing. Everything medical, physical, mental and emotional that I had been through had to be for something? I had a purpose, I just didn’t know what it was. Yet!