The Kiwibank Local Hero of the Year award is given to individuals who have made a positive difference in their communities, who have shown selflessness and determination in creating positive change, and who have the vision to see how their unique talents can act as a force for good. The BBM team is proud to share that its founder, David Letele, has been named the 2022 Kiwibank New Zealand Local Hero of the Year. Words from Dave Letele “This award is not just for me. It is for all my team that work tirelessly behind the scenes to help our community. My team and I get up every morning knowing that our ‘why’ is to make people’s lives better, and for me that’s enough. Nonetheless I’m humbled by the recognition, a spotlight i would also share with all the good people around me that enable this work to happen. Thank you to my amazing wife Koreen and my boys that sacrifice so much for me to be able to give my all to BBM. Also thank you to all of you, whether it be your encouraging words, helping hands or generous donations it’s all appreciated.”